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Give Back

A Message from Terrylynn Smith about Giving Back

Give Back

One of the core values of GiraffesConsulting is to “GIVE BACK.” I firmly believe in the principle of finding ways to GIVE BACK to the community and to others in need. I believe giving back not only strengthens and helps those around us—it enriches our own lives as well. 

GIVE BACK doesn’t just mean giving money—although that’s a huge part of it. It can also mean giving time, lending moral support, even offering encouragement. There’s always something we can do to GIVE BACK, even when we don’t feel we have much. That’s why I always encourage my job-seeking clients to volunteer at various organizations even while they are in a place of transition. 

At GiraffesConsulting, a significant portion of our revenue goes into GIVING BACK into organizations and charities we believe in. Below is a list of organizations we currently support on a monthly basis. They are all very worthy causes. I encourage you to take a look at these organizations and join me in supporting them as you are able to do so.

My best,

Terrylynn Smith


Organizations Currently Supported by GiraffesConsulting


  • RAZOM for Ukraine: This organization has worked for years to support Ukraine in a variety of ways; the current Russian invasion has made their mission even more critical.
  • American Red Cross: Provides much-needed disaster relief and other services across the globe.
  • Charity:Water: An organization dedicated to providing access clean, safe water to people in parts of the world that lack this access.
  • Wounded Warrior Project: An organization dedicated to providing help and support to improve the lives of America’s veterans.
  • JAIA: A New York-based organization dedicated to youth empowerment through a variety of personal development efforts.
  • New York Women’s Foundation: An organization that offers philanthropic support to advance justice for women and families in underserved communities across NYC and across the world.